Wednesday, 5 October 2022

10 Letters - Letter 6

Talk about long hard days, Naa Ameley! Eish! 

3 minutes to half past midnight, Naa. And Mummy is still up. 

I always wondered why people hated travelling on company trips. Now I understand even more. I thought it was just the flight (which I’d gladly skip if teleporting existed) but eish! The work after work is just hectic! Aowwuuuu… 

That said though, I’m loving the opportunity. And the chance to eat and try foods I normally won’t eat 🤩 I have a senior colleague who actually hates this point but today, I’m so glad I’m not that senior colleague because I am loving it! She’s Ga like you, by the way, and food without an impressive dose of pepper gets to her. So imagine the week she’s having…  

The milk bit is a downer though… milk and cheese. I can do butter, mozzarella and cheddar and small amounts of fresh milk or UHT but anything outside this does leave me feeling bloated and gassy at times. Why they’re putting generous amounts cheese and fresh milk almost anywhere and everywhere is beyond me! Eish?

Speaking of milk, Naa, I’m expressing once or twice a day for you and I’m glad with my progress. I know some Mums don’t get this chance or have to choose to not keep up, so I’m so grateful that I can. Looking forward to your right of refusal (self-weaning) or your weaning at aged 2. Till then, let’s keep getting you some milk. 

You’re probably asleep by now, my love. Sweet dreams our famous Ariosua, our Ganyobi who loves pepper… Please give Daddy a good night’s sleep too… Mummy loves you waa! Keep remembering this… 


1st Baby Diaries || Thursday, 6th October, 2022 || 10 calendar months, 11 days

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