Sly black cat
Lurking in the shadows
Ready to spit, ready to pounce
Aggressive for her prey
Sorry little prey...
You're right in her way
She'll slit you open without mercy
She will claw at you with her sorcery
Lurking in the shadows
Ready to spit, ready to pounce
Aggressive for her prey
Sorry little prey...
You're right in her way
She'll slit you open without mercy
She will claw at you with her sorcery
Scared black cat
See how her eyes widen
See how her catwalk failed to impress
So she must attack each natural empress
See how she panics in the cold
The silent cold where she can't be told
How black a cat she is
Because her bridges she has burnt
And continues to burn
Sad black cat
I feel no anger towards you anymore
I just feel sad for you, that's all
Your insults are a sign of weakness not dominance
Your sly ways an indicator of lack of confidence not brilliance
Dependence on what's wrong to get ahead
Your strengths you lay to rest
In the shrouded bosom of craftiness
Poor black cat
I will pray for you tonight
For Jesus Christ to shine His light on you
Even as He does on me too
He saw the dark place I once was as a cat like you
His grace and mercy kept and keep drawing me out
Little black kitten
It's not over till He's done
Soon the darkness will be overcome
I just pray He shines in me when you're mean to me or them
O poor lonely kitten
Forgive my defensiveness
Jesus never taught us this ruthless retaliation
But to love as He loved us
He loved me in my wrong
I'll love you too with all I've got
Black cat black cat
Jesus today in my heart has won
We have more days ahead
And I know His work is not yet done
Sly cat
Scared cat
Sad cat
Poor cat
Lonely kitten
Jesus's kitten
I will love you too
Even though I admit it's now naturally hard for me to do
A cat once like you...
See how her eyes widen
See how her catwalk failed to impress
So she must attack each natural empress
See how she panics in the cold
The silent cold where she can't be told
How black a cat she is
Because her bridges she has burnt
And continues to burn
Sad black cat
I feel no anger towards you anymore
I just feel sad for you, that's all
Your insults are a sign of weakness not dominance
Your sly ways an indicator of lack of confidence not brilliance
Dependence on what's wrong to get ahead
Your strengths you lay to rest
In the shrouded bosom of craftiness
Poor black cat
I will pray for you tonight
For Jesus Christ to shine His light on you
Even as He does on me too
He saw the dark place I once was as a cat like you
His grace and mercy kept and keep drawing me out
Little black kitten
It's not over till He's done
Soon the darkness will be overcome
I just pray He shines in me when you're mean to me or them
O poor lonely kitten
Forgive my defensiveness
Jesus never taught us this ruthless retaliation
But to love as He loved us
He loved me in my wrong
I'll love you too with all I've got
Black cat black cat
Jesus today in my heart has won
We have more days ahead
And I know His work is not yet done
Sly cat
Scared cat
Sad cat
Poor cat
Lonely kitten
Jesus's kitten
I will love you too
Even though I admit it's now naturally hard for me to do
A cat once like you...
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