Thursday, 7 July 2022

Exhausted, Super Proud!

One thing I’ve learnt being a Mom, Full time worker and a small business owner, either can make you exhausted… all 3? Very exhausted. 

Sometimes I’m so exhausted everything just takes a pause. Other times, the long hours of one become the more hours of another, especially with discipline and the frequent reminder that, “Sis! You don’t have time!” 

It’s fun building a business, adding value to your employer, pouring love and milk into your child. They have their ups and downs but let’s face it: it’s more than fun, each is a rewarding experience. They truly are. 

So tonight, I find myself trying to soothe my fussy teething baby so she can sleep on what could have been a semi-empty stomach. Thankfully the calm and wait till past 11pm paid off! She drank the rest of her formula! Finally! The one she rejected earlier. Naa Ameley loooooves food! So when she rejected food, I knew there was going to be extra effort needed tonight. Thankfully, whilst I waited and allowed her to fuss in and out of sleep till she got hungry, I worked on some paperwork for Enosua’s heArt… not a minute wasted being a goal, it was nice using up this TV/Mom time to catch up on what I had been putting off too long. Mompreneur.

After she finally finally fell asleep better fed, I put her down and then ironed my new dress for work. Day 5 on my new job and I wanted to look really good this time. If it didn’t fit perfectly just from all the weight I’ve gained these past few weeks, it surely had to be look well ironed. Thankful for all the leg work Mandy had put in, I just needed to iron out a few stubborn creases to finish it off. The plan was to catch up on some audio learning for my business as I ironed. I guess I forgot but it’s nice that the thought was there. Prepping for work and sharpening my side-hustle ask in tandem. Sidepreneur.

Yes, all this leaves me exhausted. I could have been asleep before 9pm but here I am, right before midnight, briefly catching this moment because I want to remember these days. 

I’m a young Mompreneur and Sidepreneur, I’m proud of both, proud of the 3 elements that make me both: Mom, full time employee and business owner (mostly in this order). Proud of all the systems currently in place plus the new ones I am building to help me excel as much as feasible in my circumstance at each. Proud of the awesome people I have at home, work and my Enosua’s heArt affiliations who support me. 

Yes. I’m a young Mompreneur and Sidepreneur, exhausted and super proud. 


Mompreneur/Sidepreneur Diaries || Thursday, 7th July, 2022

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