Wednesday, 9 February 2022


This afternoon I’m sitting in a hospital OPD waiting area with a full bladder, rubbing my ringless finger and wondering what to write as I wait for the doctor to return and conduct a scan… 

Funny thing is it took such a long time for my bladder to fill up that now I need simple distractions to keep holding it, including rubbing the depression my wedding bands have created on my currently fat fingers. Till I got pregnant, I never knew massively full bladders were needed for certain scans. Lucky me, I guess… lol

So today I’d write about something I’ve been dying to type for a while. My current pregnancy look. Let’s save the ringless finger for another day… 

For starters, my current pregnancy weight already halfway through my journey is still less than my pre-pregnancy weight πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Not being able to eat and having terrible aversions in Trimester 2 may be the biggest drivers for this. Some pregnant women try to prevent their diet-based sugar levels from going up, I get to join the crew that try to prevent themselves from crashing each day just because we don’t have enough diet-based energy. Thankfully, I’m currently not underweight, plus pre-pregnancy BMIs would have placed me in some overweight category, so it’s all good, for me, the baby and extra icecream πŸ˜‹

Oh dear, I leaned back in this trio of chairs and almost emptied my bladder in shock! Note to self: not leaning back in this seat again till bladder is relieved. 

Where were we? Yes… Icecream πŸ˜‹

So I definitely don’t look pregnant. Unless you know me and my pre-pregnancy self you may just think I’m a fat lady with a large belly. Funny… I never had that being said of me because… 

Wait! Oh, no, they didn’t! I just got crossed a second time after the doctor returned by another pregnant lady who I’m sure has no full bladder like mine! Complained to the nurse and her response stunned me into silence. Almost rude silence but how can you say, “But you didn’t tell me” Ei madam… 

Okay as you can see, my pregnancy-look tales are being interrupted. I may have to save that and the ringless finger thoughts for another day. 

Yayyy… got called in. Played with the depression on my finger as I didn’t have access to my phone on the examining table and had to wait for the doctor again. Took the time to apologise to the nurse for my likely rudeness whilst she was trying to explain how lines of communication had been broken. Got the scan. Then had to run to the bathroom right after. Thank God it’s over. I also waited for my bag to be handed back to me because I left it in the consulting room when I had to rush out. It got held up because another more private examination was ongoing when I returned to get it. Thankfully, I have it now. At this moment, I have to wait… again… for the rest of my assessment and final verdict. Let’s see how all that goes. At least now, I don’t have to pray nothing gives me strong emotions to trigger something I won’t be able to control. You should have seen me stop laughing immediately I realised good strong emotions were still bad triggers whilst I was on the examining table. Massive relief! Still in the trio of chairs and can’t get myself to lean back even if I tried. I guess transient situational trauma is real. Lol. Still waiting, and still going on multiple trips to the bathroom. I guess I can’t expect one trip to do the trick. Lol. Looking forward to a smooth end of today… 


Pregnancy Diaries || Wednesday, 11th August, 2021 || 23 weeks, 1 day

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