Monday, 28 February 2022

Getting Ready

This may be my shortest entry yet. 

Ariosua seems to be moving his/her head down. I can now feel stretches and kicks in my upper torso, and sometimes see my skin undeniably move with those soft stretches. Unfortunately, I’m still the only one who’s seen and felt her/his undeniable movements, not the hidden ones no else but I see/feel. 

Ariosua is getting ready for the birth too. And maybe, because of this, we’d finally know if s/he’s a he or she this weekend. 

It’s been a really late night tonight for many reasons. However, tonight’s movements, in spite of this really late night, are a wonderful wonderful feeling: slow, intentional, gentle, enchanting. I definitely didn’t want to forget this one. And I hope Ariosua reads about this night one day… 

Another mild thump identified… the moves continue… 



Pregnancy Diaries || Wednesday, 22nd September, 2021 || 29 weeks, 1 day

Sunday, 27 February 2022

Welcome to Trimester 3!!

I was toggling between writing about my realisation of the sudden loss of energy I’m experiencing or my excitement that now I look quite pregnant and I’m pleased as punch!! 

Welcome to Trimester 3!! We’re on to the last round 🥳

But I guess I’d write about both… lol… long read ahead, I guess… 

The sudden loss of energy… 

I read about it, heard about it, but never ever imagined it this way! I was speaking with a friend, Tammy, tonight and I tried to describe it to her in my latest “power cut” version. 

Imagine, you’re happily playing music on the “radio”, enjoying the fan being on, even enjoying working from home on your laptop, there’s something cooking in the microwave and all of a sudden, the lights go off, power cuts, internets goes with it, you’re left with “nothing”… 

Yhup! That’s how I feel right now! 

They say it may get worse, I feel it could get better once my body seems to get the memo — right now I’d cut it some slack and say it’s still shocked. Well I’m shocked… I went from hero to zero so fast on energy levels you’d think Ghana’s Volta River Authority was a person running for President with no rains in Northern Ghana and with a sudden cause to announce a dumsor period to the Nation that must vote for her #AllPunsIntended 

It’s not even funny. I’m struggling to work, struggling to get up in the morning, struggling, just struggling… they weren’t wrong about the honeymoon trimester 2. Though I didn’t get that sudden surge of energy at the beginning of it — mine kinda crept on me — I surely did get zapped out of those amazing energy levels the last few days… like the power cut… abruptly… some switch just went off… leaving me with “nothing”… 

That said, it’s also a beautifully quiet reminder that it’d be over soon. I’m in no hurry for Ariosua to show her/his face earlier than due, but knowing that this exhaustion is over soon is heartwarming.

But then, as my friend, Valerie, put it tonight, I won’t be just exhausted then, I’d be exhausted with a crying baby 😂😂😂😂 Bless her, she made me laugh alright! 

The pregnancy look 🤩… 

I never ever thought I’d say this… or even do a little happy dance tonight in front of the mirror because of it but I’m excited that I’m finally starting to look pregnant… whoooooooossshhh!! 

At first I dreaded it, then got so proud of not “looking” pregnant, then got totally frustrated that I had to actually verbally let people know I was pregnant and now that my nose is popping and my bump is showing… Uuuuuuweeeeeee! I’m so happy! 

I’ve fit in most of my pre pregnant clothes without a fuss. I’ve lost a lot of weight so I’m actually surprised Ariosua and myself are still healthy. So that was a plus. I also was thankful I didn’t look pregnant when I wasn’t ready to let others know I was, especially right after the first trimester when we had started breaking our silence on it. First trimester was hard, oh my, it was hard, and thanks to some medical opinions, keeping quiet was helpful in keeping me in a better state to hold Ariosua in with all the medical tracking and assistance I could get. I guess they were right. 

Then when we started announcing and I’d get the “But you don’t look pregnant” comments, I’d beam with instant pride! “I look fly, don’t I?” But sometimes it could be shattering, including the day I wore my “I’m pregnant” outfit to the office to announce my good news without saying so! And it didn’t announce itself 🙄 I still bore… my friend, Delight, was at the office that day and can attest to both: how it didn’t show and how upsetting it was for me. All that effort to look pregnant down the drain… just like that!

Then when I felt all those around me could see the change, I had one more hurdle to cross: the innocent bystanders who didn’t know me from Adam. 

Imagine having to tell the Uber driver to go over bumps slowly only to close-to scream in shock and then almost immediately threaten him with some form of “do you want a child born in your car today?” expression after he decided that the bump he went so quickly over wasn’t a bump enough? Yhup… frustrating!

Or go with me down memory lane, just about 2 weeks round today’s corner, to the time I had to carry my collection of books and other items that had my sketches to an interview in one big “tote” bag. I signed in at the entrance, a few steps from where I had parked the car and then asked for help to carry my bag into the building. The impressively-dressed security man look bewildered: as if I’d asked him to quit his job and sing and clap for me up the stairs. That’s when he started explaining that he can’t leave his post, blah blah blah. I could have cried then, I’m not used to asking for help. So I said, “Oh, I can’t carry it myself. I really need the help. I’m pregnant”. It’s like a light bulb lit brightly in his head and suddenly his narrative became more helpful. He didn’t carry it because he honestly couldn’t leave his post but he was so “caring” and “more helpful” after that. Hmmmmmm. Frustrating… 

Or the time I went to the bank and after all my deep breaths, sighs and occasional groans, I asked if I could eat my chocolate bar and was invited to do so. Thinking my bulging tummy was obvious, I was shocked to be compared to a male friend of this banker who sat before me. His friend also had to eat sweets to keep his sugar levels up. I asked if his friend was diabetic and he said no but just had to do so if he was getting hungry. So I commented I had been away from home a while and needed to eat soon because my low sugar levels were being caused and aggravated by my baby who was fussing then… You should have seen this banker’s shock and heard it in his “You’re pregnant?” ask. And then we spent the next 10 mins or so with him telling me how he didn’t know I was pregnant, I don’t look it, blah blah blah… Can you imagine I left home with the undeniable conviction that I looked pregnant? But no, I just looked like a lady with a fat belly 🤦🏾‍♀️ I now notice ladies with large bellies and wonder if that’s how I appeared to these men. Frustrating! 

But nowwwww, see me! In less than 2 weeks my nose doesn’t only look large and pregnant right after I wake up in the mornings but large and pregnant all day every day🤩. And if face masks were still a blocker, see my bump now… whooosshh… it’s like the Lord “goes” before me now in this belly of mine 😂😂😂

I know I don’t look as huge as the average pregnant woman this far into my journey but at least now I look pregnant. Finish!!! Nose and all!!! 🤩

I’m actually laughing at myself now. I’m not sure if I’d feel the same way next week or next month even. But that won’t stop me from celebrating now in spite of the continued aversions and indigestion episodes that have plagued me all through this pregnancy, including the episode that’s keeping me wide awake tonight 🤦🏾‍♀️

So here’s to marking the beginning of Trimester 3 🍾🥂with an exhausting reminder of who’d be “here” soon, a finally-significant pregnancy nose, and a large enough belly that I hope won’t be mistaken for sheer obesity anymore. Here’s to a beautiful trimester ahead, because you better be a good one to me, Trimester 3 😂😂 I’m tired… so tired already… as Zouli, my colleague, used to say to me before she went on maternity leave, “Je suis fatigué.”


Pregnancy Diaries || Tuesday, 14th September, 2021 || 28 weeks, 0 days 

Wednesday, 16 February 2022

Always Important

 Always important. 

That’s what I’m learning even more each day. Ariosua is always important. (Yhup, we’re yet to confirm her/his gender). And sometimes because s/he’s always important, sometimes s/he’s the only one I need to attend to urgently. 

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Eisenhower matrix and how it helps you decide what you must do and when you must do it. Well, when it comes to our Ariosua, s/he’s mostly in the Urgent and Important quadrant. 

Because I have to keep him/her safe, you’d find me drinking lots of water in a day and tripping to the bathroom as soon as I need to go. I’ve come to realise no discussion on any online meeting, work or otherwise, would be worth pre-term contractions from a UTI I could have avoided, or at least reduced its gravity. None. So I’ve learnt to say, “Team, please give me 3 minutes, I need to step away from the call; I’d be back” and then dash to the washroom or grab another helping of water. No reasons needed, team responsibly informed so life can “go on” without me whilst I do my part to preserve the life, this precious gift to us, that’s “growing” inside of me. 

Always important… 

Because Ariosua is always important and s/he needs to be fed well, I’ve probably found more ways to stop crashing. I still struggle to eat properly. As a foodie, it’s quite frustrating to be appalled by things I’d once grab and eat without thinking. I can’t seem to eat chicken, fish, and sometimes meat anymore. Especially those with the slightest hint of garlic (before Ariosua came along, I used to loooove garlic as a spice). The thought alone can make me puke, trust me this isn’t an exaggeration, let me just spare you the details but it’s that bad. But because Ariosua is important, I stick to my 2 eggs everyday! Ariel sometimes likes to laugh at me that I’m now a snake who’s addicted to eggs. I might as well be at this rate 😂😂😂 after all, I still have an acute sense of smell that could make those sniffer dogs at the airports jobless. For all you know I could smell cancer if I knew what those other “special” dogs smelt to detect it. 

I digress… 

Aside my two eggs, I’d currently eat a tonne of lettuce each day because onions are a hit and miss and carrots are now disgusting on most days. Plus many other veggies are hard to even be by! Who would have imagined that I wouldn’t be able to share a room with peas or fresh tomatoes? Or beans on a “bad day”? Sometimes it’s so sad, this whole aversion thing, but I’m thankful pregnancy isn’t permanent. I’d get my old me back soon GW. The midwives’ advice to follow the cravings I’ve had helps keep my plate diversified somehow, and my doctor-cousin, Muffet, and doctor-friend, Eyram, really have helped me make awesome food choices. Because the fear of depriving your child of essential nutrients can be extremely terrifying. I’ve cried before because of this fear. Really grateful to each of them. 

So yes, Ariosua is always important. S/he dictates my sleep patterns and how much sleep I need to get nowadays, how much exercise I can do, if I go to the hospital or not, the emotions I choose to indulge in because I honestly can’t be stressing him/her for any nonsense thereof, even the presence of the chocolate bar in my bag anytime I step out of the house for more than an hour because I can’t risk crashing from low sugar levels. S/he definitely dictates our “sparse” shopping list nowadays, that list used to be tall! Now, there’s only as much as I can stomach myself or tolerate around me. Yhup, Ariel gets hit too, unfortunately. S/he forces me to eat everyday even though on some days I really wonder why God just didn’t allow us to imbibe nutrients from the atmosphere by Osmosis or some other means. Can you imagine this was a thought that was close to a nightmare for me because of my love for food? 😂 Now see me wishing it was a beautiful dream come true. 😆 “This world is not our home”, it’s true 🤦🏾‍♀️

I love Ariosua. I really do. I love her/him here. Making moves in my belly and reminding me that s/he’s the one we’ve been praying for. I also love that s/he’s taught me a lot about prioritisation and living by the hour, literally!! I thought I knew how to do so but now I know I didn’t know as much. 

It’s great to have her/him here. And I guess I understand how babies are the forever boss, always important, dictating our lives and yet always captivating us in love, even before they’re born 🥰 

Looking forward to meeting you outside this body of mine, Ariosua 😘😘 Eagerly looking forward 🥰🥲😍

5:25pm GMT 

Pregnancy Diaries || Thursday, 9th September, 2021 || 27 weeks, 2 days 

On teat on time

 On teat. 

My breast milk journey so far hasn’t been extremely hard, it was awful at the beginning but it hasn’t been terrible throughout. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still can’t produce enough to feed this young lady but I’m not trying to feel guilty about it. 

But more on actual breast milk production later. I promised I’d write about it when I wrote the entry, Painful Milk ( I surely will. Today though, with me counting down to 12noon with Naa Ameley fast asleep on my arm, I’ll write what I’m currently thinking about: feeding times 

On time.

Can you imagine! I dozed off with her! Loooll… anyway, after seeing to a couple of things, I’m back to type… so… where was I? Yeah… I’ve remembered…

On time.

When I started producing breast milk, it was so small that Naa Ameley would spend so many waking and sleeping hours during the day on my teat. No joke, she would suckle till she dozed off and then wake up and start sucking again. There was a day I was seated from 8am to 9pm and only rose to use the washroom! If I was lucky, she’d fall asleep and stay asleep for a while so I could detach her, let her continue sleeping and I’d rest from feeding. But that often didn’t last long. Feeding on demand was hard when you couldn’t produce what was demanded… 

By the time I’d give her the bottle of formula at night, she’d be so hungry she’d eat with such enthusiasm it could make me feel bad. And on days she had formula during the day, she could sleep for hours. 

But I was determined to increase my breast milk production. So the only thing that prevented me from giving her more formula during the day was extremely sore teats. 

On teat on time.

By the time we were relocating back to Tema though, I realised this was not sustainable. She couldn’t be on teat all day… and she shouldn’t take her sweet time doing it either. If I didn’t have the luxury of lots of breast milk, I wasn’t going to take away all my time either. Something had to change. And I did…

I changed her feeding times from all times any time to every 2 hours on the hour for 30 mins. 30 mins of feeding and an hour and a half of waiting till the next feed. And boy, was that hard. But then I discovered cuddles. Thankfully, I could give her cuddles that calmed her down when she was getting really hungry and it was time yet. I’d give her the pacifier and she’d sometimes fall asleep. Just like she had when I started writing the post. Formula was reserved for feeding right before bedtime so she could sleep for long, for night feeds so anyone else could feed her, and for early morning feeds right after she woke up and was starving from many hours of no food. Then around 9am we’d start our on-time feeding. 

On time on teat.

9, 11, 1, 3, 5, 7… we’d feed for 30mins and end it then. After a while, I noticed she improved how regularly she sucked during those 30mins. At some point, we crossed an uncomfortable period where she’d cry and fall asleep right before feeding time so I’d wake her up to feed on time to allowing her to wake up on her own at or soon after feeding time to have her 30mins with me. She soon became known as our alarm clock. Getting irritable at 8:30am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:30pm, 4:30pm, 6:30pm or 8:30pm and being calmed till feeding time. Or waking up from sleep right before feeding time. She was getting good at it but then I realised I was getting tired… 

So guess what we’re doing now? Trying to feed her every 3 hours instead of 2 but for an hour instead of 30mins. That often allows me to pump as I feed her, if I do pump (yes, we finally got our own pumps). It also allows her to feed from both teats if needed.

And because of that change, we’re back to cuddles before feeding time is up. I’m so glad they work for her. I’m not sure how I’d be able to calm her down without water logging her (i.e. giving her way too much water giving her water helps with that and her frequent constipations) or giving in to an early feed. 

You’re doing so well, Naa Ameley. I’m proud of you. And guess what? I’m doing so well too! I’m super proud of me. Knowing all we’ve been through with this feeding journey, I’m more than just proud. I’m grateful, super thankful, at peace and happy. Just happy. 

Looking forward to you settling into our new Dawn, 9, 12, 3, 6, 9 feeding cycle. And well, if you don’t eventually, we’d try something else. 

Either way… I’m proud of you! And proud of me too… ❤️


1st Baby diaries || Wednesday, 16th February, 2022 || 2 calendar months, 22 days

Wednesday, 9 February 2022


 (English Translation follows)

Naa Ameley 

Me dɔ 

Me ba

Me mpaeɛ a Ɔbaatampa Nyankopɔn gyee so maa me

Me mpaeɛ nyiano a Wayi de ahyɛ yɛn nsam 


Akwaaba biom

Wode anigyeɛ soronko na abrɛ yɛn

W’anim a wokyimkyim de kyerɛ yɛn

Anim a ɛ tumi danedane de gyegye yɛn ani

Saa ara

Saa ara na w’abrabɔ nyɛ mma wo

Ɛdanedane sen dɛn koraa a

Ma w’akoma nya anigyeɛ soronko

Wɔ nyinaa mu

Ma w’akoma nya anigyeɛ a ɛfiri

W’akoma a woatimtim wɔ Yesu Kristo mu

Naa Ameley

Yɛn dɔfoba Naa Ameley 

Me mpaebɔ kɛseɛ ne sɛ 

Wo nkwa da nyinaa 

Wobɛnya anigyeɛ wɔ yɛn Tweadeampɔn mu

Wobɛhunu No, wobɛdɔ No

Wobɛyi N’ayɛ w’akoma mu 

Wode anuonyam bɛbrɛ No

W’abrabɔ mu 

Naa Ameley

Yɛn Naa Ameley

Nyame de wo ahyira yɛn 

Na yɛn anigyeɛ ɛboro deɛ yɛsusuu sɛ yɛbɛnya

Me mpaebɔ ne sɛ 

Awurade No ara bɛboa yɛn

Ama yɛakyerɛ wo Ne kwan

Ama yɛn abɛn wo

Ama yɛayɛ w’adamfonom soronko

Ne w’awofoɔ pa 

Na da biara Nyame bɛma yɛn nkwa

A Ɔsane bɛma yɛn wo nso aka ho

Me mpaebɔ ne sɛ 

Yɛbɛwɔ hɔ ama wo

Na w’adwen anyɛ wo nyaa sɛ 

Yɛn akoma mu ne yɛn ahoɔden mu

Yɛwɔ hɔ ma wo 

Naa Ameley 

Akwaaba biom

Awiase yɛ dɛ, gye w’ani

Awiase yɛ ya, nya gyedie 

Nyame mu dɛ ɛkyɛn nyinaa, asomdwoe nka wo

Nyame asomdwoe nka wo 

Wo nkwa daa nyinaa

Naa Ameley

Yɛn Naa Ameley


(English Translation below)


1st Baby Diares || Wednesday, 9th February, 2022 || 2 calendar months, 15 days

English translation

Naa Ameley

My love

My child

My prayer that our “Motherly” and Sovereign God answered for me

My answered prayer that He has selected and placed in our hands


Welcome again

You have brought us a unique kind of joy

The many expressions you keep showing us on your face

Facial expressions that keep changing to entertain us

Just like them

May your life, to you, be just like them

No matter how [your life] twists and turns

May your heart find unique joy

In all of it

May your heart find happiness that is from

Your heart being grounded in Jesus Christ

Naa Ameley

Our beloved child Naa Ameley

My massive prayer is that

All the days of your life

You would find joy in our Dependable [God]

You will know Him, you will love Him

You will praise Him in your heart

Your will bring Him honour

In your life

Naa Ameley

Our Naa Ameley

God has blessed us with you

And our joy exceeds what we imagined we would have

My prayer is

The Lord Himself will help us

To show you His way

To be close to you

To be your special friends

And your good parents

For every day that God grants us life

And that He also gives us you in addition

My prayer is

We will be there for you

So that you will not doubt

That in our hearts and in the strength we have

We are there for you

Naa Ameley

Welcome once more

The world is sweet, have fun

The world is painful, have faith

The sweetness [found] in God surpasses everything, peace be with you soon

[May] God’s peace be with you

All the days of your life

Naa Ameley

Our Naa Ameley



This afternoon I’m sitting in a hospital OPD waiting area with a full bladder, rubbing my ringless finger and wondering what to write as I wait for the doctor to return and conduct a scan… 

Funny thing is it took such a long time for my bladder to fill up that now I need simple distractions to keep holding it, including rubbing the depression my wedding bands have created on my currently fat fingers. Till I got pregnant, I never knew massively full bladders were needed for certain scans. Lucky me, I guess… lol

So today I’d write about something I’ve been dying to type for a while. My current pregnancy look. Let’s save the ringless finger for another day… 

For starters, my current pregnancy weight already halfway through my journey is still less than my pre-pregnancy weight 😂😂😂 Not being able to eat and having terrible aversions in Trimester 2 may be the biggest drivers for this. Some pregnant women try to prevent their diet-based sugar levels from going up, I get to join the crew that try to prevent themselves from crashing each day just because we don’t have enough diet-based energy. Thankfully, I’m currently not underweight, plus pre-pregnancy BMIs would have placed me in some overweight category, so it’s all good, for me, the baby and extra icecream 😋

Oh dear, I leaned back in this trio of chairs and almost emptied my bladder in shock! Note to self: not leaning back in this seat again till bladder is relieved. 

Where were we? Yes… Icecream 😋

So I definitely don’t look pregnant. Unless you know me and my pre-pregnancy self you may just think I’m a fat lady with a large belly. Funny… I never had that being said of me because… 

Wait! Oh, no, they didn’t! I just got crossed a second time after the doctor returned by another pregnant lady who I’m sure has no full bladder like mine! Complained to the nurse and her response stunned me into silence. Almost rude silence but how can you say, “But you didn’t tell me” Ei madam… 

Okay as you can see, my pregnancy-look tales are being interrupted. I may have to save that and the ringless finger thoughts for another day. 

Yayyy… got called in. Played with the depression on my finger as I didn’t have access to my phone on the examining table and had to wait for the doctor again. Took the time to apologise to the nurse for my likely rudeness whilst she was trying to explain how lines of communication had been broken. Got the scan. Then had to run to the bathroom right after. Thank God it’s over. I also waited for my bag to be handed back to me because I left it in the consulting room when I had to rush out. It got held up because another more private examination was ongoing when I returned to get it. Thankfully, I have it now. At this moment, I have to wait… again… for the rest of my assessment and final verdict. Let’s see how all that goes. At least now, I don’t have to pray nothing gives me strong emotions to trigger something I won’t be able to control. You should have seen me stop laughing immediately I realised good strong emotions were still bad triggers whilst I was on the examining table. Massive relief! Still in the trio of chairs and can’t get myself to lean back even if I tried. I guess transient situational trauma is real. Lol. Still waiting, and still going on multiple trips to the bathroom. I guess I can’t expect one trip to do the trick. Lol. Looking forward to a smooth end of today… 


Pregnancy Diaries || Wednesday, 11th August, 2021 || 23 weeks, 1 day

Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Stale Milk

I took a picture of this mug this morning; we bought it last weekend. I love it. It has the picture of an Afro’d lady and the inscription: I am worthy of my dreams. And I reminded myself how I wanted to live this well so Naa Ameley would be inspired to follow her own outrageous dreams, from the sheer fact that she was exposed to such an example. 

Soon after I watched a random episode of “Friends” on TV where Rachel’s mother confessed to her daughter that she married a man she didn’t love but she, Rachel, her daughter escaped that. Naa Ameley was happily chomping away at my teat then. 

And in that moment, I had this weird brief daydream of a worn-out Naa Ameley, tired of my follow-your-big-dreams mantras, confessing to me that she had no big dreams! She just wanted to get to the next thing (like the next day or the next pay cheque).

If that didn’t send a chill down my spine!

Not because not having massive dreams is scary. But because I suddenly realised that I could be the overbearing mother in pushing my children to follow their big dreams. Trying so hard to liberate them from what I sometimes (not all times, honestly, but sometimes) feel: stuck and not liberated, yet, to follow my crazy dreams. 

Right after that, Naa Ameley threw up a little bit. Right in the middle of her breastfeed and in the middle of the “Friends” episode I was watching. Purely coincidental but it reminded me that we had given her some milk in a bottle earlier today, milk that had been sitting for a while because it was the remainder from her prior feed. Why? You may ask. Well, I ambitiously prepared too much for that bottle. And then, I just didn’t want to waste that excess, knowing money went into prepping it, in spite of the risk that it could be too stale. Can you imagine!  

And if that didn’t give me another analogical moment, I’m not sure what could have. Lol.


Babies need milk, but stale milk, even if it’s unknowingly given, even if it’s lovingly given, can cause them to throw up down the line.

And then I thought, what a great moment to journal. And in writing this, it came to me:

I’d continue to be me. Perhaps that occurred to me because the other mug we bought had a different Afro’d lady and the inscription, “Be Yourself”. Yes, I’d be the mother I am and the mother I hope to be. And in this hope, I pray I listen to Naa Ameley and her siblings, and give them a safe space to be themselves too. And if they are motivated to chase their big dreams like I hope I keep doing, they won’t feel they were threatened to or manipulated to do so. They’d feel loved enough, and safe enough, and assured enough that I’d love them no less, and as human as I am, and that I’d do my best not to judge them or make them feel judged. I’d do my best not to selfishly force my own passion on them like stale milk, just because I have a lot of it. 

Stale milk that hasn’t yet gone bad can be bad enough for my baby. In the same way, my hopes and dreams, which may or may not be relevant or whole even, would remain mine, and not automatically become theirs. And as their parent, I’d love to be the one to give them milk that’s good for them. Fresh milk. At the end of the day, if they throw it up somehow — because even well-meaning human beings are capable of such — I can sleep easy, knowing I tried. 

Naa Ameley, I hope no matter how different we’d be, how differently we aspire to our dreams, big or small, I hope you won’t doubt I did my best to support you and love you. I’d do my best to give you fresh milk, always. 


1st Baby Diaries || Tuesday, 1st February, 2022 || 2 calendar months, 7 days