Monday 29 August 2022

Me, my business, my baby, me…

After realising my home isn’t being run the way I wanted it to run, I learnt a big lesson today as a Mompreneur and Sidepreneur: no matter how busy I am, no matter how exhausted I am, and no matter  how much I can outsource anything even if that thing is my emotions, at the end of the day, I’m still responsible for taking care of me, my business and my baby the way I want it to be taken care of. 

No one else but me…

I’m responsible for asking God for help and allowing Him to guide and release me… 

I’m responsible for my own rest, down time and sleep hours.

I’m responsible for keeping my daughter fed well at all times and for keeping the quality of my gifting top notch for my clients. Not the supplier, not my family, nor the clients. Me… 

That doesn’t mean I must do all the work, no… but it does mean I should ensure the work is done satisfactorily, with an outcome that doesn’t stress me. That’s my Boss Mum job, not someone else’s. Especially when outcomes are subjective in the hands of others. 

I recently listened to the book, E-myth Revisited:

It’s a book that has useful nuggets for startups, including building systems that make your business run successfully. Funny enough, when I read it, I didn’t imagine myself building systems for my  home as well. But now I do… systems that not only work for my workers, my delivery, my family, my baby but for me too. 

Realising in all honesty today that I couldn’t outsource my meals and go to bed, and still expect our family budget to stay on track or our food to stay healthy, I may adopt the system my mum used so well… a workable menu and a reasonable price list! Wish me luck! 

Realising that a delivery company is giving me heartache, I honestly can’t expect them to make me happy… honestly! I should be the change I want to see and move on to a courier service that does better even if it means it costs more for the priceless peace of mind. That’s my Mom Boss side hustler job, not my service provider’s.

And if I’m truly concerned about my daughter’s skin, I’d ensure she gets to the hospital and not hope someone else would ensure this. If I’m truly concerned I’d do something about it. One hospital visit coming up! 

Some things are really no-brainers when written out and read. But it’s a beautifully humbling experience when you’re faced with the reality of such a no-brainer with some time to actually correct your own flaw… 

And that’s where I am tonight. Such a beautiful place before I fall asleep. Back in the place I should be: increased supervision with any outsourced tasks within a framework that actually works for the desired outcome: a rested responsible with her achieved goals who relies on God for every work, home, side hustle step…

Such a beautiful place to be: of conviction, of repentance, of hope… my baby, my business, me…


Mompreneur/Sidepreneur diaries || Monday, 29th August, 2022

Friday 26 August 2022

At the touch of love

It’s been an incredibly hectic week. A hectic month so far even. And I’ve had to make sacrifices, go on different pauses, just for the sake of good health and sanity. 

It’s been an incredible week all the same. I would even do it all over again. But I’m proud that in many cases, I chose our Naa Ameley. No, she didn’t have her usual access to me all the time, but she did have me every day. Every single day, we spent good time together. 

So at the end of one to these pressure-packed sprints at work, as I took a break from the late nights and long days and simply caught my breath, I wasn’t surprised that in a single moment I was in deep awe of Naa Ameley’s hands in mine. Thankful to be alive, thankful to be her mum. 

And this inspired not only the poem below but the video as well. 

The month has been so quick and quite hard so far. And unfortunately, the stress hasn’t quite ended yet. However, as I unwind this Friday night, reminiscing my chance to feed Naa from my plate and my breast, with the knowledge that the night was mine to enjoy, it’s no wonder to me that in my choice to act, to choose in love, to choose Naa again and again, I became a poet. 

I hope you love the poem and video as much I did… and experience just a little taste of world tonight… 

Your hands so sweet in mine

Your fingers are divine

My heart just swells for you

My darling, I love you

You remind me of what’s right

For you, I’m back up to fight

My heart sings because of you

My darling, I love you

No, you’re not all roses and kisses

Still you’re more than a thousand wishes

You make me laugh till I’m in stitches

My darling, I love you

Your hands: just sweet in mine

Your fingers, so divine

My heart, it swells for you

My darling, I love you

“At the touch of love, every man becomes a poet” - Plato


1st Baby Diaries || Friday, 26th August, 2022 || 9 calendar months, 0 weeks, 1 day