Wednesday, 26 July 2017

In need of You - one of my Facebook Frolics

I lie right here
In need of You
Not what I'm offered
I could survive without those
Life may even go on unopposed...
Solutions on the web
The laugh of a friend
That scrumptious food
The list has no end
I could survive without those
But I need You, so so close...

(Am I brought near to tears? To desperation?)

I lie right here
In awe of You
Of who You are, are to me
Your life that sanctifies and sets me free
Your strength that empowers me to be me
Your mercy kissed words that redeem and restore
Your love, Your wisdom, O there's so so much more!!!
I may never understand why You love me so
How You witness my falls but don't let me go
Your life surely sanctifies and sets me free
O my God! I lie here in awe of Thee

(I bask... I rest.. Receive my adoration)

27th August, 2015

The Present, the future, the past

Not about the past
I cannot change
Not about the future
Worrying just brings pain
But about the present:
I will look to You

I will hear for Your voice
The influence to my choice
I will not move
Till You say so
Change course
Till it's clear in Your word

I will love unconditionally
I will rely on Your wisdom
I will ask You
Because You know
I will admit Your sovereignty
And that Your way is
The Sure One to follow

Not my past
I cannot change
But still a reason to praise
Not my future
Worrying brings pain
But trusting You brings peace
Even on the most hazy days
I will trust, praise and move Your way

Via Ofosua
Wednesday, 26th July, 2017
Reclining in a living room #sofabed

Sunday, 9 July 2017


Upraised hands

I raised my hands to you
As my heart took the lead
Into your presence
Overlooking what drew me down
The emotions covering me like a dark cloud
Putting them aside
I raised my voice
To You
My upraised hands
Thanking you

Upraised, your hands upraised

Thanking you
For what You had done
Despite my affliction
How for me You had won
Battles that seemed lost
Perfected the final score
Unfairly charged costs
Established the victory of the war


My heart lifted
On Your weightless feathers
Soaring above
The circumstances that shattered
My security
My sense of judgement
My confidence
My assurance
In the arm of flesh
Which was good
But even my trust in You
You came through
In the middle of the circumstances
That shattered
I saw
And I raised
My thanks to You


My thanks to You
Cos my hope was gone
My glory my shine
Was lost
When you had stepped in
The circumstances that shattered
And turned my eyes to you
Away from the praise of men
To You sovereignty
Your holiness
Your grace
Your mercy
Your providence in obvious scarcity
My eyes turned to
Your goodness despite the flaws
The Creator, the Intense Lover in all
I need not fear
The war
The battle that is won
The battle is the Lord's!

Upraised Appraise

The battle is the Lord's
My confidence in You
The arm of flesh failed me
And You proved to me true
My assurance not in circumstances
But Your unfathomable faithfulness
My result not from my muscle
But the assurance of Your Word

U raised

But the assurance of Your Word
That covered my shortfalls
Was also enough
To let me let go of all
Release them all to You
My awards
My reprimands
My shine
My pain
Because I stopped
In spite of the lows
Forgoing the highs
And decided to praise

U praised
U raised
A praise
Now appraised
U praise
With upraised appraise
Again and again
The Lord be praised


Via Ofosua
Sunday, 9th July, 2017
On the dawn of the exodus
The Pun, the fun, the Word we heard