Wait... for they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength... Isaiah said so... hmmmmmm...
It's normally hard to wait especially when all you really want to do is do something
How do I renew my strength by waiting? I would feel lazy, plain lazy... and I have to wait... doesn't laziness sap me of strength?
Patience is an attitude whilst waiting, I have been told. So if I've been asked to wait, I have to clothe myself with patience. But what's the difference?
Wait, patience...
If patience then is an attitude and waiting is an act what can I compare them too? I guess I can tell a story now:
Once upon a time, there lived a young woman. She waited for everything (as all humans have to) and when she got what she wanted, she waited for something else. She waited for freedom, for vacation, for work, for love, to go to bed, to wash the dishes... she did a lot of waiting and unfortunately a lot of complaining. It was hard for her to realise that her attitude was not in waiting but in whining.
To buy time she complained:
"The task is too stressful"
"Her hair is so messed up"
"The food isn't nice enough "
"They don't understand me"
"It's not my fault "
"Mabrɛ dodo!" (I'm too tired)
"The task is too stressful"
"Her hair is so messed up"
"The food isn't nice enough "
"They don't understand me"
"It's not my fault "
"Mabrɛ dodo!" (I'm too tired)
But buying time isn't patience.
Patience is an attitude of trusting God to pull through in spite of the inconvenience. It's magnifying God above the trouble. It's doing right rather than giving into temptation. It's thanking God for an opportunity for Him to make us better. It's hoping in His Name and not necessarily for our instant gratification. It's resting in His love in spite of all activity or inactivity. It's looking up to Him instead of looking down on others.
It is an attitude to wait God's way...
So next time you have to wait, do remember our young woman here. Do remember that patience is an attitude that bears good fruit. Patience is a factor of the Spirit's fruit, as is love and peace. And if you lack, you'd wait patiently thus in an attitude that will not fail to glorify God. God will provide, we just need to abide in Him.
Wait... wait patiently...
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him Colossians 3:17 (ESV)
Today, I choose to be patient
What about you?
Yes, you...
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