Sunday, 5 June 2011

The Skill of Loving

"Dear God," I usually pray, "Please help me show love today, and everyday...Help me be Jesus to someone today, even to my fellow Christians... May I touch someone's life with your love, O God... Help me love all the unlovables in my life, cos You loved me first, even when I was still in sin... I know You not only love me but give me the power to love others just as You do... May men see I am your disciple by loving others... I know You can do it and will do it, O God... In Jesus Name I pray with thanksgiving... Amen."

So the day starts...

And a family member asks for my opinion in a decision he is about to make, I refuse to help in any way... I'm too busy Facebooking and blogging, can't he see I'm busy!

I ignore the vendor I usually greet on the street, cos yesterday she duped me big time. How dare she! Does everyone she sells to associate with her without favours??? mmtchew

Another family member gives me the unwarranted cheek, hm! I could help her with what she's doing, it'd make life easier for her... but I won't throw myself at someone who can spite me at anytime, without seeing anything wrong with it too! After all everyone has specific chores here, and this is not one of mine... neither am I obliged to help you...

My roommate is asleep, she must be that tired, sleeping at this time of the day... I can keep my voice down... but she doesn't bother when I'm asleep, why should I?

"Oh, Ofosua... I commanded you to love..."

"Yes God, I know... I even asked for help to do so this morning... but God... these ones paa! Wouldn't it have been easier for me to love in more favourable circumstances...?"

 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.
John 13:34,35 (NIV)

Ɛɛɛ... I get it... but... but... hmmm... I not only guess You're right, I know You're right...but it's hard, very hard... but wait, someone said: "The skill of doing comes from doing." It applies here too... *frustrated sigh*... the skill of loving comes from loving, the skill of obedience comes from obeying, the skill of loving the unlovable comes from loving the unlovable.... Oh, Lord! Forgive me! Did You not say in Your Word

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead ... As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.
James 2:17, 26

I made that prayer in faith, I really did. I had no doubt that God would help me. But I nullified my faith by not living it out when I was presented with the opportunities to do just that! I had the chance to love like Jesus, who loved the very people the world may term unlovables, (even in this age of relativities... even more so in this age since there are so many standards)... but God loved the world so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for the world... the same price He paid for me... He paid for all, lovables and unlovables alike. He gave me faith free of charge, and the power to act. But then I shove it with all those excuses... He equipped me with all I needed to live out what I asked for, but I did not develop the skill because I did not do... The skill of loving comes from loving... and if I don't love, how then will I learn to love, and acquire the "skill" to love...???

...and then I ask... as I usually do...

...what about you???

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