Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Compromise - one of my Facebook frolics

Your way because this is so important
No wants because mine may not be met
This way because the fights aren't needed
And in this we can all reduce the stress

I know this path is never the best option
I know this path is only for caution's sake
I know this situation won't matter in the future
So I'm doing this so we maintain today's peace

We're here together to walk this path this day
No need to create tomorrow's scars today
Not prophets to guarantee new times today
Thus, vocal conflict, be slaughtered silently!

10th August, 2015

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Dead elation - one of my Facebook Frolics

Nothing, you hear nothing
But the sound of dead elation
Time frozen as ice
You won't chase the wind that can't be caught
Neither beat the time till date unbeaten
Dreams too lofty, presentations unreal
Succumb to reality, no more to an ordeal
You may not hope since that is foolish
A fool's paradise was not called faith but foolishness
The old record beaten, a new record set
Before then it was an impossible bet
Now it's possible, it's clear to see
But before then who would have believed you?
Since it's just too hard to set today's unimaginable records
In safety and comfort, reality would unfold
Today do you bury the dreams that once lived?
Today you choose peace to stay with
It's easier you see, like 1 2 3
Be realistic so things move on more smoothly
Waste not ammunition on unfruitful battles
Time frozen as ice one day would melt
Heat, warmth, a sunny day
A rainy day would achieve the same
You say with this you will fear no more
Feel no more, hurt no more
Amusing; who does that? O how you are drawn to the impossible!
And true you still hear nothing
But the sound of dead elation
Enthusiasm is not killed, just drugged for now
A heart silenced for the mind to work
Passions at the feet of sensibilities
Walk closely with your God
He will surely show you which way to trod
Till the time the ice melts
And all this is a memory
Now you hear nothing
At the funeral of elation

Friday, 17th July, 2015

Lighthearted - one of my Facebook Frolics

A lighthearted spirit can be more powerful
Than a determined one.
The former can help you
Laugh as you chisel through
The boulders of life;
The latter,
On its own,
Will definitely
Help you break through the
Boulders but
Leave you exhausted.
Monday, 25th July, 2011